The Women's Foundation, created in March 2016, is the first structure in France dedicated to strengthening the capacity of associations working for women's rights. It aims to raise funds from the general public and businesses to provide financial, legal, and material support to associations specializing in women's rights and fighting against violence against women.

How does it work?

The Women's Foundation collects funds annually from its donors (individuals and patrons). These funds are then transferred to field associations that meet specific criteria. These donations allow associations to carry out projects for gender equality and against violence against women.

Examples of associative projects financed by the Women's Foundation

  • Opening of an anonymous and free chat dedicated to young women who have experienced violence in France
  • Support for the association Le Filon, which has a day center for women in precarious situations
  • Strengthening a hotline for women victims of violence in the workplace

How can it help you?

Because of how it operates, the Women's Foundation does not directly help victims of violence. However, the Foundation can provide legal assistance and guide you through the process, but only if an association is already assisting you. In this case, you can contact the Women's Foundation's legal force, which can offer you legal support.


  • Animation of two Observatories whose work and studies allow a better understanding of inequalities between women and men. The dissemination of this work in the media and to public officials aims to raise awareness and influence public policy.
  • Legal support for grassroots associations thanks to a group of volunteer lawyers
  • Material support to associations in the field through the distribution of necessities and the setting up of dedicated places for associations
  • Animation of a podcast on women's rights to raise public awareness
  • Organization of events around gender equality (eloquence contest, training sessions on street harassment)
  • Drafting of a legal guide on women's rights during pregnancy and childbirth
  • Drafting of a legal guide to help female employees assert their rights

More information and Contacts


Fondation des Femmes
Cité Audacieuse
9 Rue de Vaugirard
75006 Paris

Phone number: +33 1 44 21 31 00
Fax number: +33 1 44 21 31 01

Last updated 09/11/2023