French Social Security System (Sécurité Sociale)

The Social Security system is the French public health insurance system that covers all life risks for citizens living in France. It aims to support all citizens throughout their life and enable them to live in dignity by providing them financial aid and human support.

How can it help you?

Providing social benefits

The Social Security system is divided in 6 different branches: 

  • The Family branch (Caf) provides various benefits regarding birth (maternity and paternity benefits), childcare, allowances for education, housing, disabled persons, low-income persons and families etc.
  • The Health insurance branch (CPAM) covers hospital costs, medicines, consultations for all citizens living in France regardless of their income.
  • The Occupation Risks branch (CPAM) covers the costs related to occupational diseases and accidents at work.
  • The Retirement Pension branch (Carsat) pays pensions to retired workers.
  • The Collection branch (Urssaf) collects financial contributions from workers and companies to redistribute them to the other branches.
  • The Autonomy branch (CNSA) manages the expenses related to the autonomy of elderly and disabled people, such as funding services and establishments that support them or providing individual help and assistance.


  • Administration of the social insurance budget
  • Registration of socially insured persons
  • Providing social benefits to society: granting, calculating, and paying pensions, benefits, allowances
  • Informing the public about current social insurance matters
  • Ensuring that services are accessible for every citizen as close as possible to their place of residence

More information and Contacts

For more information on the Social Security system you should visit the webpage of the Social Security:

If you wish to find out what social benefits you are entitled to receive and how to benefit from them:

If you wish to receive social benefits regarding the Family branch:

Last updated 09/11/2023