General Controller of Places of Deprivation of Liberty (CGLPL)

The CGLPL is an independent public body in charge of controlling all the places where people are deprived of liberty.

Its goal is to make sure that these people are treated with humanity, with respect for their dignity, and with respect for their fundamental rights such as the right to life, freedom of religion, right to a family life, right to health, to work, to education, etc. The CGLPL focuses primarily on the conditions of detention and hospitalisation.

How can it help you?

Examination of individual complaints

If you are deprived of liberty and believe that your fundamental rights have been violated during detention, you can inform the CGLPL to complain about this situation. You can also contact the CGLPL if you are aware of a situation where there seems to be an issue with the conditions of detention, pre-trial detention or hospitalisation.

After your complaint has been received, the CGLPL will investigate the situation by carrying out scheduled or unannounced visits of the prison in which you are detained. If there is indeed a violation, the CGLPL can issue reports and recommendations to ministers to resolve the situation. The CGLPL can make these documents public to inform the general population of these violations.

The CGLPL can also inform the public prosecutor or disciplinary bodies about the violation you complained about if it constitutes a criminal offence or a fault committed by the prison staff, in order to initiate disciplinary proceedings.


  • Investigations
  • Scheduled or unannounced visits of all places where people are deprived of their liberty: prisons, psychiatric hospitals, police custody facilities, customs holding facilities, closed education centres, etc.
  • Issue reports and recommendations to ministers
  • Inform the public prosecutor of any situation suspected to be a criminal offence
  • Bring to the attention of the disciplinary authorities any situation that is likely to lead do disciplinary proceedings
  • Submit an annual activity report to the President and to the Parliament, that is made public.

More information and Contacts


Online complaint form: 

Phone number: +33 1 53 38 47 80

Contrôleur général des lieux de privation de liberté
CS 70048
75921 Paris Cedex 19

Last updated 09/11/2023