Penitentiary Integration and Probation Service (SPIP)

The Penitentiary Integration and Probation Services (SPIP) are decentralised services of the French prison administration responsible for the control and follow-up of convicted persons, whether they are placed in detention or under probation.

SPIP's mission is to prevent recidivism and promote the reintegration of detainees in society. It contributes to individualise each detainee’s prison sentence.

How can it help you?

Support for persons placed in detention

One of the SPIP’s missions is to support detainees in their sentence execution process. To that end, they try to influence your sentence by suggesting sentence adjustments to the judge according to your history, to the offence you committed and to your economic and financial situation.

The SPIP staff can help you, through individual interviews, prepare your release from prison and facilitate your access to all the general integration public services (housing, health care, education, work etc.). 

The SPIP staff can also help you maintain family ties and access culture. For example, the SPIP staff schedules cultural activities adapted to the prison environment, such as the organisation of artistic workshops.

Support for persons placed under probation 

If you are not detained in prison but instead you are under probation or other types of sentences (community service, conditional release, placement under electronic surveillance etc.), the SPIP staff will also support you in your sentence execution process. 

For example, they can help you understand your sentence and promote your reintegration by setting up programs to prevent recidivism. They can also help you comply with the obligations imposed on you and make sure that you respect these obligations.


  • Promoting access to social and professional integration measures for convicted persons
  • Providing the judicial authorities with all the assessment elements useful for the implementation and execution of sentences
  • Contributing to the individualisation of sentences and preparation of judicial decisions of a criminal nature
  • Mediation in criminal matters and restorative justice
  • Supervision and integration of convicted persons

More information and Contacts

You can contact the SPIP situated the closest to you:

Last updated 09/11/2023