The Defender of Rights (Défenseur des droits)

The Defender of Rights is an independent constitutional authority responsible for ensuring that the rights and freedoms of citizens are respected by public administrations and individuals.

This authority is competent to work in the following areas: 

  • Protecting the rights of users of public services
  • Protecting and promoting children’s rights
  • Fighting against discrimination and promoting equality
  • Ensuring that law-enforcement officials comply with professional ethics
  • Protecting whistle-blowers

How can it help you?

To ensure that everyone's rights and freedoms are respected, the Defender of Rights uses two major means of action: it replies to individual complaints addressed to the institution and it carries out actions to promote equality.

Protecting your rights through individual complaints

You, or any individual or legal entity, can file a complaint to the Defender of Rights if you believe that your rights have been infringed by a state administration, a local authority or any public entity. You can also file a complaint if you are a victim of any kind of discrimination (by both private and public entities) or if you consider that a professional from the security field (a police officer for example) has breached its professional ethics.

The Defender of Rights will then investigate the situation to see if there is indeed a violation of your rights. If so, the institution will usually propose a negotiated settlement first, for example if your problem concerns procedural or administrative mistakes that can be solved easily.

If a negotiated settlement is not possible, the Defender of Rights can make individual and general recommendations to resolve the problem. If this doesn’t work and you decide to take legal action, the institution can make observations in court to support your case.

Finally, the Defender of Rights can request the competent disciplinary authority to impose sanctions on the professional who has violated your rights. For example, if your doctor has not respected your rights and you were discriminated, the Defender of Rights can request the National Council of the Medical Association (Conseil de l’Ordre des Médecins) to initiate disciplinary proceedings against the doctor.


  • Promoting equality and access to rights by informing the population of their rights
  • Conducting studies and research in its fields of expertise
  • Carrying out investigations in case of violations
  • Proposing changes to law and regulations
  • Giving its opinion on future laws prepared by the National Assembly and the Senate
  • Conducting awareness campaigns to inform the population of its rights
  • Educating professionals (teachers, police-officers etc.) through training programs

More information and Contacts


Online complaint form:

Phone number: +33 9 69 39 00 00

Défenseur des droits
Libre réponse 71120
75342 Paris CEDEX 07

You can also meet with a local delegate of the Defender of Rights situated close to your home:

Last updated 09/11/2023