You should be allowed to communicate with the outside world freely using various methods of communication such as letters or the telephone. Certain means of communication such as mobile phones may be restricted or prohibited due to security concerns.


You are allowed to send and receive an unlimited number of letters while you are in prison, regardless of your detention regime. Upon your arrival in prison, you will receive a correspondence kit, containing at least multiple sheets of paper, envelops, a pen and two stamps. Generally, you will have to pay for sending your letters to family friends and other contacts.

If you cannot afford to communicate with the outside world at all, the prison administration must renew the correspondence kit at least every month. 

exception If you are held in pre-trial detention, the judge in charge of your case may forbid you to communicate with the outside world, or with specific persons.

Telephone conversations

While you are in prison, you may call your relatives using the prison telephone. You or the person receiving your call must pay for it. You are not allowed to use a mobile phone in prison.

Under the French law, access to telephones in prison is a right. However, this access may be refused, suspended, or withdrawn for reasons related to security, prevention of offences, and maintenance of order in the prison.

exception If you are in pre-trial detention, you may use a phone only if the judge allowed you to do so. The judge in charge of your case may allow you to communicate with your family or with specific persons in order to prepare your rehabilitation. In addition to the other reasons previously mentioned, your access to a phone may be withdrawn for reasons related to the investigations of your case.

The number and the duration of calls you can make is not restricted. However, the conditions under which you may use the telephone may vary depending on the level of security and the type of regime at the prison.

exception In solitary confinement, your access to a telephone is restricted to a single call every 7 days.

What human rights violation may there be?

Your communication with the outside world may be restricted, and if not done lawfully, may violate your right to a private and family life. Read more about the lawfulness of restrictions

For restrictions on correspondence with your lawyer or state institutions, read the section on privileged correspondence


Last updated 26/07/2023