Case n°09-67.456, "Our Body"

Court of Cassation, Civil Chamber
16 September 2010


An exhibition of skinned human corpses opened in Paris, subjected to a modern method of tissue preservation and placed in various positions to observe the functioning of muscle during various sporting activities. Two human rights associations brought the matter before the judge, demanding that the even be cancelled and that the bodies on display be kept away. The Court of Appeal prohibited the organising company from continuing with the disputed exhibition. The company lodged a claim before the Court of Cassation.

Court’s ruling

The Court ruled that according to the Civil Code the remains of deceased persons must be treated with respect, dignity, and decency. The Court rejected the applicant’s appeal and concluded that the exhibition of human corpses for commercial purposes disregards the respect, dignity and decency with which they must be treated.

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Last updated 13/11/2023