If you think you have been discriminated against, you have the right to complain to different state institutions. You must choose the relevant state institution, applicable to your situation.

There are several state institutions in France that may take action in cases of discrimination. You can generally choose the relevant state institution depending on the field in which you have experienced discrimination.

Important In most cases, such institutions are entitled to issue a decision and/or impose a fine. If you are seeking compensation, you could consider bringing a claim before a court.

Defender of Rights

The Defender of Rights (Défenseur des droits) is a state institution responsible for safeguarding your human rights in France. The Defender of Rights is an independent administrative authority (autorité administrative indépendante). This authority and its deputies enjoy immunities for opinions they express or actions they perform in their duties. This guarantees their total independence from the government, parliament, and courts. Read more information about the Defender of Rights.

Sectoral institutions

Your complaint can be resolved by a relevant sector-specific institution if you have been discriminated against in the following areas:


Last updated 30/10/2023