The “serious danger telephone” or “téléphone grave danger” is a special remote protection device that allows a victim of domestic violence to alert the public authorities directly in the event of serious danger.

The serious danger telephone can be granted to victims of domestic violence by the public prosecutor under certain conditions. It is a special mobile phone that allows victims to contact a 24/7 helpline immediately in the event of serious danger, simply by pressing a dedicated button. The telephone platform then assesses the situation as soon as the alarm is triggered and, if necessary, requests the immediate intervention of the police, with whom it is permanently linked. This system also allows the beneficiary to be geolocated at any time.

This protection device is granted for a renewable period of six months. It also offers a follow-up provided by a victim support association for the duration of the service. The aim is to help victims gain long-term security, support them in the steps they need to take and help them become more independent through advice on social rights, housing, childcare etc.

This protection device is granted to victims of domestic violence from their partner or spouse (actual or former), but also in case of serious danger threatening a victim of rape.


To obtain a serious danger telephone, there are several conditions to fulfil : 

  • The person asking for it must be a victim of violence by their actual or former spouse or partner (registered in a civil solidarity pact or not).
  • The victim needs to speak a basic level of French.
  • The victim must no longer be living with the perpetrator of the abuse nor approach them.
  • The victim must expressly consent to this measure.
  • The victim must be in serious danger.

The phone can be granted in two situations: 

  • The violent partner has been banned from having contact with the victim (by a court decision such as a temporary protection order or a separation order etc.)
  • In cases of serious and imminent danger where the perpetrator has not yet been arrested, questioned or is currently in the run.


The victims cannot make the request themselves. They must first report the danger they face with the police, a lawyer or an organisation offering free services, known as an “association”.

The report can be made:

  • to the police or the public prosecutor (“procureur de la République”), who will then request an evaluation report called a social investigation or “enquête sociale” from the organisation responsible for managing the “serious danger telephone” in the victim's area.
  • or directly to the organisation responsible for managing the “serious danger telephone” in their department.

Once a report has been made, the following will happen:

  • The organisation will contact the victim by telephone to arrange an appointment as soon as possible. They will not necessarily mention the “serious danger telephone” but will point out that this meeting aims to assess the victim’s situation in order to consider the implementation of protective measures.
  • The organisation usually has 48 hours to draw up the evaluation report and send it to the public prosecutor.
  • The public prosecutor will then assess whether it is necessary to give a “serious danger telephone” to the victim based on the level of danger estimated by the assessment report.

The victim is notified promptly whether the phone will be assigned to them by the organisation. Depending on the situation, the victim will be informed by telephone, email or post. Then they provide information on the next steps:

  • If the victim’s application is accepted, the phone will be given to them in person at court. They will be accompanied by the organisation responsible for managing the protection device to collect it.
  • If the judge refuses the victim’s application, the victim can challenge this decision by lodging an appeal with the help of a lawyer.

Withdrawal of the “serious danger telephone”

The telephone can be withdrawn in several situations:

  • The situation of danger has ceased.
  • The perpetrator is imprisoned.
  • The victim does not want to have this protection device anymore.
  • At the request of the public prosecutor, after consultation with a committee, in the event of failure to comply with the instructions and rules governing the use of the system.


Last updated 06/11/2023