Privacy vs public interest

The status of a person in society is important for determining how much public interest there is in his/her private life. It is important to evaluate whether the release of details about someone’s private life can be justified or not. A person’s status relates not only to how recognizable they are in society, but also to the kinds of public functions they fulfil.

Purpose of publication

The release of details about someone’s private life could be important for a report on issues concerning the public interest. Therefore, journalists and the media have certain freedom to decide which details are necessary for a story. Similarly, certain private information could also be released by a private individual participating in a public debate about issues important to society.

Even in cases where the disclosed private information relates to a subject of public interest, the publisher must ensure that no more information than necessary is made public. Also, the publisher should ensure that the content of the disclosed information is capable of contributing to the public debate on the subject in question.

Public figures

Public figures, such as politicians or celebrities, especially whilst fulfilling their functions, should be ready to accept wider intrusion into their privacy than private individuals.

Public figures are defined as persons who, through their acts or their position, have entered the public arena. The role or function of the person concerned, and the nature of his activities are important criteria to take into account. 

example The media can report on the drug addiction problems of a famous singer who is a role model for many teenagers. Similarly, the public interest would justify a media report about a member of government taking a yacht cruise during his/her vacation, which was sponsored by a company which had won a public tender.

Private individuals

The private lives of individuals who do not fulfil public functions are protected more strictly than the private lives of public figures. This is because there is generally much less public interest connected with their professional functions or status in society, which would justify the intrusion into their private lives.

example The publication of an article exclusively devoted to the private life of a thirteen-year-old girl, belonging to a princely family, deprived of any official function and not involved in any current important event, violated the respect of her private life.


Public interest about a certain person or issue does not mean that a person’s private life is not protected. This is also true for public figures.

It means that the publication of details about their private life must be evaluated, taking into account the role they have chosen to undertake in society and the public interest that comes with it. In the case of a dispute, the authors and publishers who disclosed the private information must be able to show:

  • how and why the information related to an issue of public interest
  • that no more information than necessary has been made public

example If readers already have sufficient information about a minister’s addiction and treatment, it will not be necessary to publish photos of the minister undergoing hospital treatment to give credibility to the story.

Public interest or curiosity?

If a certain report interferes in someone’s private life, the author or publisher must prove that making the private information public was necessary to alert society about a certain issue of public interest. Public interest in someone’s private life should not, however, be confused with public curiosity. Therefore, commercial interests or the entertainment of a certain readership, based on sensations or gossip, most likely will not be considered of legitimate public interest.

example If the only purpose for publishing certain private photographs of a famous person is to satisfy the curiosity of the readership of a certain magazine, it will not contribute to general debate about issues of public interest. Interference in the private life of that person will not be justified in this case.

A violation of the privacy of a public figure can be justified by the public interest, only if the subject of the publication in question is of general interest and if the information contained in the publication contributes to the public debate on the subject. 

example The publication of private photographs of a Minister who had just resigned, and that revealed his relationship with another Minister concerned a matter of general interest. However, as the article focused only on his love affair without mentioning its political consequences, it was not contributing to the public debate on that subject and was therefore condemned.


Last updated 04/10/2023