The Constitutional Council (in French Conseil Constitutionnel) is an independent institution that reviews the constitutionality of legislation in France.


The Constitutional Council works on the basis of the extended Constitution, commonly known as the bloc de constitutionnalité.

Indeed, the Constitution is not limited to the sole document of 1958, it is also extended to the other texts mentioned in its preamble:

Furthermore, the Constitutional Council may identify implicit principles of constitutional value in case laws. There are different categories of principles, each having its own characteristics and conditions:

  • the fundamental principles recognized by the laws of the Republic (principes fondamentaux reconnus par les lois de la République). Those principles are established by the Constitutional Council based on laws that have existed under republican regimes prior to 1946 and that have not been contradicted by subsequent republican legislation. Those principles must enunciate rules that are particularly important, such as rights and freedoms.
  • the principles particularly necessary for our time (principes particulièrement nécessaires à notre temps). Those principles are listed in the Preamble to the Constitution of 1946, and mostly cover social rights.
  • the principles of constitutional value (principes à valeur constitutionnelle). Those principles are identified by the Constitutional Council and constitute legal norms in their own rights. They must be respected by the State, its organs and the legislator.
  • the objectives of constitutional value (objectifs à valeur constitutionelle). Those objectives are identified by the Constitutional Council and are mostly used to balance rights and freedoms of constitutional value with other interests. Indeed, to balance a right of fundamental value, the legislator (or the Council) needs to oppose a principle of equal value. For example, the Council has determined that the preservation of public order is an objective of constitutional value, and as such, it may be used to balance communication rights,  protected by the Declaration of Human and Civic Rights.

The different Constitutional reviews

The Constitution tasks the Constitutional Council with reviewing the conformity of legislation to the Constitution. This is done in two different ways.


Last updated 09/11/2023