There are multiple ways to apply, all of which are free.


You may apply online by filling the appropriate form, via postal way, or by meeting a delegate.


The working language of the Defender of Rights is French. This means that your application should be in French. In exceptional circumstances, the Defender of Rights will also accept applications in other languages. However, in most cases, the official reply you will receive will be in French.


In your application you need to explain clearly:

  • what has happened
  • when it happened
  • which state institutions, officials or private individuals were involved
  • to which institutions or officials you complained about this situation and what their responses were
  • the application needs to contain your name, signature, date and return address

Your application does not need to be in legally correct language or refer to any specific legal provisions, but it has to be clear and understandable. Try to write only about the facts and issues relating to the violation about which you are complaining. To help the Defender of Rights better understand what has happened, try to keep the text simple, focused and avoid emotional or derogatory language.


If you can, please add all the documents (especially complaints you have made and the responses to them) that are related to the situation you are complaining about to your application.

Time limits

There is no set time limit for filing your complaint with the Defender of Rights.


Applications must be sent to the following address:

Défenseur des droits,
Libre réponse 71120
75342 Paris CEDEX 07

You may also apply online by filling the appropriate form, or by meeting a delegate.

Legal aid

In France, you are not entitled to free legal aid when applying to the Defender of Rights. If you are not sure if your human rights have been violated and whether the Defender of Rights can investigate your case, you can meet a delegate or call (+33 9 69 39 00 00) the Defender of Rights’ office before you make an application. If you need further legal aid to prepare your application, you will have to hire a lawyer yourself. Having a lawyer is not compulsory when applying to the Defender of Rights.


Last updated 08/11/2023