National Consultative Commission on Human Rights (CNCDH)

The CNCDH is the national institution for protecting and promoting human rights in France, accredited by the United Nations. It provides, in complete independence, an advisory and proposal role to the Government and Parliament in the field of human rights, humanitarian law, and action and respect for the fundamental guarantees granted to citizens.

How does it function?

The CNCDH is composed of several types of members:

  • qualified individuals chosen for their recognized competence in human rights. They may be judges, lawyers, academics, representatives of different schools of thought and religions, etc.
  • representatives of the leading NGOs working in the field of human rights, law and humanitarian action, representatives of the leading union confederations
  • ex-officio members: the Defender of Rights, a representative of the Economic, Social, and Environmental Council, and two members of Parliament responsible for liaising with the legislator.


  • Advise: the CNCDH advises the Government and makes proposals on human rights, international humanitarian law, and humanitarian action. It carries out the same mission for the Parliament: it gives opinions before and during the legislative process. It also advises the Government in elaborating public policies and action programs within its competence. Finally, the CNCDH may be called upon to provide the Government with its expertise during negotiating certain treaties.
  • Monitor: the CNCDH monitors France's compliance with its international human rights and humanitarian law commitments. It interacts with the international human rights monitoring mechanisms, bringing the CNCDH's concerns and recommendations to France during international reviews. The CNCDH also contributes to the reports that France must submit to the United Nations bodies and committees and other international and regional bodies.
  • Educate: the CNCDH cooperates in elaborating programs concerning teaching and research on human rights and participates in their implementation in schools, universities, and professional circles. This educational mission is carried out in different ways: through its opinions and reports, the creation of educational materials, or through training and awareness-raising activities for various audiences.

More information and Contacts


Commission nationale consultative des droits de l’Homme
20 Avenue de Ségur – TSA 40720
75 334 Paris Cedex 07

Last updated 09/11/2023