
Every restriction (such as the number of visits, the duration of visits, or the methods of supervision) must be as permitted under the law, well-grounded and limited in time. 

French law allows restrictions on visits in prisons, but only for security reasons, to prevent the commission of offences, or as a disciplinary punishment. An individual decision regarding a restriction must be recorded. The need for restrictions should be well-reasoned, individually assessed, and specific to your case. The restrictions should not be more severe than necessary for your individual situation.  

important The prison administration cannot prevent you from seeing your family at all.


French law requires that short visits are monitored by a guard, present in the room who can listen to your conversations. Furthermore, the conversation between you and your visitor must be in French or a language that the guard can understand. The visitation permit may allow for another language to be used. There should be no separation between you and your visitor unless security reasons commend it or if you are a prisoner awaiting trial.

Long visits are not monitored, but guards carry out inspection rounds outside of the rooms to ensure the proper conduct of the visit and that the prisoner is still inside.

Rules to respect during visits

During visits, it is prohibited to smoke, to have a violent attitude or behaviour, and to bring food and drinks. If these rules are not respected, the visit may be interrupted.

During visits, prison staff will prevent any money, letters, or objects of any kind from being handed over.


Last updated 27/07/2023