Because solitary confinement is a very strict sanction, the length of time a person may be held in solitary confinement is strictly regulated.

According to French law, you can be sentenced to a maximum of 30 days in solitary confinement. The length of your placement in solitary confinement depends on the gravity of the violation you committed. 

In French law, violations of the internal rules are divided in 3 types:

1. First degree violations are the most serious ones

example You will be found guilty of a first-degree violation if you are violent towards the prison staff or another prisoner, if you try to escape prison, if you record images or sounds in the prison etc.

In this case, you can be placed in solitary confinement for maximum 20 days, but this can be extended to 30 days if the breach includes physical violence against people.

2. Second degree violations are less serious than first degree ones

example You will be found guilty of a second-degree violation if you refuse to obey to orders of the prison staff, if you endanger the safety of others by being negligent, if you use drugs in the prison etc. 

In this case, you can be placed in solitary confinement for maximum 14 days.

3. Third degree violations are the less serious violations

example You will be found guilty of a third-degree violation if you don’t keep your cell clean, if you practise games that are forbidden by the internal rules, if you throw objects through the prison windows etc. 

In this case, you can be placed in solitary confinement for maximum 7 days.

If you committed several violations at the same time, it is possible that several sanctions will be applied to you. This means that an additional term of solitary confinement can be imposed to you. But the total length of your solitary confinement cannot exceed the maximum limit which applies to the most serious violation you committed.

example If you commit a second-degree violation and a third-degree violation, you cannot be in solitary confinement for more than 14 days (which is the maximum limit for second degree violations).

The procedure for imposing solitary confinement must be followed very strictly. Read more about disciplinary proceedings.


Last updated 26/07/2023